Turvaverkot -Safety Nets of Society

23.09.2011 - 13:14 / annaolga.

Welcome to this world.  The safety nets of this welfare state has got holes in it. Size of a human being. Holes that can swallow entire families.

Education ain’t no guarantee to get a job. Nor is hard work to keep one.

The small ones are the first to fall with no one to defend them.

But even though…
…and because of that… Take every chance. Don’t let nobody fool ya. We were born  free and innocent, and definitely free of debts.

To live one needs TIME.

It has quite little to do with faster car or bigger fuckin’ TV.

Aiemmin Kuohussa  julkaistu sarjis . Taitaa tulla aina vain ajankohtaisemmaksi IMO.

Tarkoitus on päivittää tätä pari kertaa viikossa, nyt alus tulee välillä vähän useemmin kun pitää kokeilla et miten homma skulaa. Kuten nyt et päivittyykö tää automaattisesti mun FB-statukseen Networked blogs:n kautta vai ei.

This story has been published earlier in our local paper Kuohu.

I try to put new stuff here twice a week, but now I need to test how is everything working. So I post a bit more often now in the beginning.

Kategoria: society, yhteiskunta.

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