Lumois Enchanted by ink

25.10.2011 - 10:10 / annaolga.

Enchanted by drawing. ”Oh. I love to draw! Woooonderful! I just LOVE this! Wonder why it’s so long since I draw last time? Oh.. pen scratching on the paper! Scent of markers… and ink! Love it love it looooove it!”

MOOOOOOOM!!!!!! Come wipe me!!!!!  Hey look. it,s a dragon-poo!

Yeah. Right.

GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Those bloody fools! They didn’t leave any of the apples!!!

Mom… I’m trying  to reach the candy-stash, but I can’t!   -Hmm-aha…

Hey! Want me to teach you how to fly!?

And what are YOU doin’?    -shorts.

mom… my pants are wet…

Hello! Home sweet home! What is this stuff floating around? -Must be my artist identity, dissolved once again.

AAA-AAH! I wanted THAT mug! Gimme that!! -I want corn flakes, not this yacky-wacky-porridge!

Kategoria: arki, everyday life, taiteilijaelämää.
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