Tagiarkisto ‘raha’

* Älyllistä elämää etsimässä Search for the intelligent life

Kirjoitettu 7.10.2011 - annaolga. Kategoriassa comics, sarjakuva.

Harjoitus dokumentaarisen ja omaelämäkerrallisen sarjiksen kurssilta. Ensin asiallinen uutispätkän tekeminen sarjakuvaksi. (Neutraali, ilman omaa asennetta tai mielipidettä.)

Sitten asenteellinen irrotteluversio.

Nyttemmin SETIn tutkimusasema on jälleen avattu, yksityisen lahjoituksen turvin.

Task: make an appropriate comic of  a piece of news. (Neutral, with only facts, without  attitude or ones own opinions.) Then same WITH attitude and ones opinions.

Nowadays the research centre is re-opened for some time, enabled by a private donation.

Since year 2007 the telescopegroup of Allen has been searching radiosignals from the outer space.

The system was erected in California and it cost 50 million dollars.

Annual costs are 1,5 million dollars.

Federation and state are now suffering financial difficulties and must therefore shut down the research programme.

Search of  the intelligent life.

Year 2007, California, U.S.   ”I declare the research centre of SETI opened!”    clap clap clap clap….

These 42 radiotelescope search radiosignals from outerspace to find signs of intelligent life.

Establishing of the centre cost 50 million dollars.

Annual costs are  1,5 million dollars.

In the year 2011 depression is strangling the federation and the state.

” I declare this research centre closed so far.”

”Think of that, they’ve got all that technic -quite primitive of course, but even though-  but they think they can’t use it because they lack those little papers they give back and forth to each others.”

”Well THAT’S primitive thinking!”


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