Tyrnihulluus Sea-buckthorne maniac

26.09.2011 - 21:31 / annaolga.

Nopea harjoitus blogikurssilta, jonka piti kertoa kolme tärkeää asiaa itsestämme. Mulle ne olivat lapset, rakkaus luontoon ja yhä ajankohtainen tyrnihulluus joka meinaa jyrätä muut asiat… Lisää siitä jossain seuraavassa postissa.

In english


”Don’t worry Mr. Crow, I’ll leave you some, too! [phone rings]

Hello. What! That much already?! Kids? Oh, I don’t know.

Eating? Well these berries…”

If there once was other important things than collecting these berries, I have forgotten.

And in the evening, when I close my eyes, what do I see…

This is a quick assignment done during the blog-course. It was supposed to tell three things of ourselves. For me they were kids of course, nature-loving and at the moment (and still is) the overwhelming madness of collecting sea-buckthorne. Staying in the bushes for hours to collect as much as possible those little, orange berries, kissed by the sun. And really, images of them keep appearing on retina when going to sleep. As everyone who has ever been collecting mushrooms or berries etc. surely knows!

Kategoria: food, ruoka.
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